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In July 2024, Sustainability for Housing (SfH) launched its 3rd Annual Review which includes feedback on the Standard from HA and funder adopters, and an analysis of how the SRS has been used.

A survey conducted as part of the annual review of the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS) has found that housing associations are progressing on environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics.

The survey found that more than three-quarters of funders to the sector (77%) believe the SRS has led to the provision of better and more useful information to assess ESG performance in the sector.

The findings of the survey are encouraging as they demonstrate progress on one of the key goals set out when the SRS was created in 2020: to connect housing associations with funders looking for ESG investments. 

Another key aim of the SRS is to drive improvements on ESG performance. The third annual review found that progress is also being made on this front too, with Adopters improving in areas such as energy efficiency and equal pay.

The survey, which gathered responses from 98 housing providers and funders, also found that:

  • 74% of housing providers found it easy or very easy to report against the SRS, with a fifth of providers finding the process easier the second or third time around. 
  • 58% of housing providers are using the SRS to benchmark their ESG performance against their peers to at least some extent.  
  • Close to half of housing providers (44%), and almost all funders (92%) agree that the development of ESG reports has led housing providers to do things that they otherwise would not have done or to accelerate their implementation of planned actions, such as create sustainability strategies and set ESG-related targets. 

SfH encourages you to stay engaged and involved, to have your say and shape the Standard for the good of the sector and its stakeholders.

To read the full report, click here.

The 2nd Annual Review (June 2023) is available here.

The 2022 ‘One year in, the story so far’ report is available here.