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Social Decarb endorses SRS

Decarbonisation specialist Social Decarb has become the latest organisation to endorse the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS).

In becoming an endorser, Social Decarb commits to promoting the adoption and implementation of the Standard as focuses on reducing energy costs and cutting carbon emissions in UK homes.

Andy Papaiacovou, Director of Social Decarb, said: “Social Decarb endorses the SRS because it complements our mission to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

“We support and encourage housing associations to adopt the SRS, helping them meet its criteria, which benefits the environment and residents alike.

“Our endorsement of the SRS not only boosts our credibility to housing associations but also highlights our dedication to sustainable practices and social value.

“Together, Social Decarb and the SRS are advancing social housing towards greater sustainability and economic viability for all tenants of social housing.”

Brendan Sarsfield, Chair of SfH, said: “We are pleased that Social Decarb has decided to endorse the SRS.

“We need to have a wide range of organisations involved with the SRS, to help create a common understanding and get to Net Zero quicker”