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SRS version 2.0 consultation underway – join the debate

Over the last few weeks Sustainability for Housing has been hearing from adopters and endorsers of the SRS on what amendments they would like to see in the next version of the standard.

The sessions we have held so far have been informative and allow us to improve the SRS to ensure it aligns with adopters’ priorities while remaining challenging.

Some of the early themes that have emerged from the discussions include:

  • Considering other standards that the SRS should align with
  • Assessing the merits of alternative metrics including EPCs and SAP ratings
  • Considering whether the SRS could have a greater focus on equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Talking about how the SRS could encompass more staff indicators such as health and safety, satisfaction and wellbeing, and professional development
  • Learning how the SRS criteria are influencing adopter behaviours

We look forward to hearing more suggestions from adopters over the coming weeks. To see what consultation events are coming up, please visit our events page.

In early 2023 we will open a public consultation to ensure that we consult as widely as possible on this next stage of the housing sector’s sustainability reporting journey.

If you are already an SRS adopter or endorser and you would like to have your say on any aspect of the SRS, please reach out to our team. If you would like to become an adopter or endorser, or if you would like to know more about this consultation, we’d love to hear from you too at