Network Homes is a member of the G15 group of London’s largest housing associations, providing 20,000 homes across London, Hertfordshire and the South East. Adopting the SRS is helping the housing association deliver on sustainability objectives – from providing tangible measures to strengthen residents’ trust to promoting a collective voice in delivering net zero
Gaining residents’ trust
Adopting the SRS, we were able to show tangible actions we had taken towards our sustainability objectives, helping to strengthen residents’ trust in Network Homes, which is one of our strategic objectives.
In our second year producing an ESG report using the SRS, we’ve found it an incredibly useful tool to track progress and focus our attention in areas that may be underdeveloped. We will continue to use the SRS and annual ESG reports as a benchmark for progressing our sustainability initiatives. The new SRS input tool has enhanced our ability to report consistently across a wide range of metrics, and we intend to follow this formatting in future editions.
Tackling net zero as a collective
The challenge of achieving net zero across our housing stock is one faced by all housing providers. The SRS is a necessary feature of a sustainable housing sector, and with more organisations adopting the same standards will help the sector to deliver and share ideas in an accessible way.
Clear and simple reporting
The documentation published by SfH makes the SRS easy to report against. The guidance provides a clear rationale behind each criteria helping to set a clear direction of how to improve. There is also an active community of adopters who are happy to engage and offer support.