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RSM UK endorses the SRS

Audit and consulting firm RSM UK has become the latest organisation to endorse the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS).

RSM is a leading provider of audit, tax and consulting services with nearly 5,000 partners and staff operating in 31 location across the UK.

Keith Ward, RSM’s National Head of Social Housing, said: “RSM has, for a long time, admired the work done by the social housing sector in generating social value for residents and wider communities, and in tackling climate change (in particular, in delivering net carbon zero properties), all whilst creating a governance environment that is robust, just and equal.

“We also recognise the increased interest and scrutiny from a broad range of stakeholder groups (particularly funders), driving the need for uniform and consistent data capture and recording, and a reporting system that can be externally assured, in order to support investment into the sector.

“At RSM we are keen to promote standardised reporting, and believe the Sustainable Reporting Standards for Social Housing meet that need by creating a framework, with clearly-defined criteria, against which members can both report externally and use internally to promote continuing improvement. RSM are delighted to be associated with the initiative, through our endorsement”

Brendan Sarsfield, Chair of SfH, said: “It is great to see RSM endorsing the SRS.

“We are pleased that the SRS is being recognised beyond the social housing sector and getting buy-in from organisations like RSM is a vote of confidence in the Standard.”