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Housing 21 adopts the SRS

Leading extra care and retirement living provider Housing 21 has become the latest organisation to adopt the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS).

The organisation manages more than 23,000 properties across England and providers over 48,000 hours of social care each week.

Keret Ben Tov Winter, National Property Performance Manager at Housing 21, said: “Housing 21 is proud to adopt the SRS, as a leading not for profit provider of retirement living and extra care for older people of modest means, we are committed to acting ethically and openly in all that we do, striving to do the right thing, care for the environment and make a positive social impact. 

“The Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing will help us measure and report against our ESG performance. By being open and transparent we can identify key areas to reduce our carbon footprint and improve our social and governance performance.”

Brendan Sarsfield, Chair of SfH, said: “We are delighted to welcome Housing 21 to our growing list of SRS adopters.

“The retirement living and extra care sector has a strong story to tell on ESG and we look forward to helping demonstrate this.”