The majority of funders using the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS) have said it has improved their relationship with housing associations, as the number of ESG reports in the sector rises by a third
Sustainability for Housing (SfH) board member Julie McDowell has appeared on the Scottish Housing News Podcast to discuss the importance of ESG reporting
Cornish housing association Ocean Group has become the latest adopter of the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS)
Environmental, social and governance reporting is becoming a prerequisite in the finance world, and housing associations must understand the long-term implications for the sector, says Chris Yau
NewArch Homes has become the latest housing association to adopt the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS)
Maidstone based housing provider, Golding Homes, has adopted the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS)
Scottish housing association Harbour Homes has become the latest social landlord to adopt the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing (SRS)
SfH board members talk through the benefits of adopting the SRS
The consultation into v2.0 of the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing has now launched – have your say!
Sustainability for Housing board members give their reflections from the NHF Finance Conference